Dialog Box

Our People

Our People

Palliative Care Victoria Board

Palliative Care Victoria (PCV) is an incorporated association and is governed by a voluntary Board of Directors. Seven board members are elected by members at an Annual General Meeting and two directors are appointed by the Board. The Board meets regularly to provide sound governance. 

Current board members are: Kelly Rogerson (Chair), Kate Johnson (Vice Chair), Arunesh Choubey (Treasurer), Dr Sandeep Bhagat, Angie Dredge, Amy Noble, Prof Jennifer Philip and Janet Phillips. 


The Governance Committee provides advice to the Board on governance policies, board composition and succession planning, assessment of the Board and CEO. The current members are Amy Noble (Chair), Angie Dredge and Dr Sandeep Bhagat.

The Finance Risk and Compliance Committee provides advice to the Board and the current members are Arunesh Choubey (Chair), Janet Phillips, Bart Clingin and Jean Yves Henri.

The Engagement Committee provides advice to the Board on community, consumer and stakeholder engagement and the current members are Kate Johnson (Chair), John Clements and Prof Jennifer Philip.

Call for Board Nominations 2024

The Board of Palliative Care Victoria (PCV) invites nominations from PCV members who are willing to contribute to the governance of PCV and its work, to ensure that all people with a life limiting illness and their families are supported to live, die and grieve well.



Palliative Care Victoria is the peak body representing palliative care and other relevant health services and health professionals, patients, carers and people with an interest in palliative care. We have 155 members, including 89 organisation members.


Adj Assoc Prof Violet Platt, Chief Executive Officer

Barbara Buchanan, EA to CEO (P/T)
Tiffany Button, Aged Care Project Officer
Maree Chilton, Accounts Manager (P/T)
Heike Fleischmann, Volunteer Engagement & Capacity Building Manager
Tracy Gillard, Project Officer (P/T)
Tonina Gucciardo-Masci, Community Engagement Manager
Ed Hawke, Communications & Marketing Officer (P/T)
Heather Stevens, Office & Member Services Manager
Chris Wishart, Project Officer (P/T)

Our Values


We respect the value, dignity, and human rights of people with a life limiting illness and their families.


We empower people to prepare for dying, grief and loss, and to be supportive and resilient.


We are truthful and ethical in all that we say and do.


We foster compassionate communities and the quality of life of people with a life limiting illness and their families.
